
Volcanology Research Group, Ibaraki Univ @ http://petrolvolc.sci.ibaraki.ac.jp/




(1)Kamiyama, H., Yamamoto, A., Hasegawa, T., Kajiwara, T., Mogi, T. (2005) Gravity and density variations of the tilted Tottabetsu plutonic complex, Hokkaido, northern Japan: implications for subsurface intrusive structure and pluton development, Earth Planets and Space, 57, 21-24.


(3)石井英一・安江健一・大平寛人・古澤 明・長谷川健・中川光弘(2008)北海道北部,大曲断層近傍の背斜成長の開始時期,地質学雑誌,114,286-299.

(4)長谷川健・石井英一・中川光弘 (2008)北海道東部阿寒火砕堆積物中に挟在する複数の広域火山灰層と北海道中央部に 分布する大規模火砕流堆積物との対比,地質学雑誌,114,366-381.


(6)Hasegawa, T., Yamamoto, A., Kamiyama, H., Nakagawa, M. (2009) Gravity structure of Akan composite caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Application of lake water corrections, Earth Planets and Space, 61, 933-938.




(10)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Yoshimoto, M., Ishizuka, Y., Hirose, W., Seki, S., Ponomareva, V., Alexander, R. (2011) Tephrostratigraphy and petrological study of Chikurachki and Fuss volcanoes, western Paramushir Island, northern Kurile Islands: Evaluation of Holocene eruptive activity and temporal change of magma system. Quaternary International, 246, 278-297.


(12)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Kishimoto, H. (2012) The eruption history and silicic magma systems of caldera-forming eruptions in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 107, 39-43.

(13)重野聖之・七山 太・須藤雄介・嵯峨山積・長谷川健・安藤寿男(2013)北海道東部厚岸沿岸低地の完新世バリアーシステムと海水準変動の復元,地質学雑誌,119,171-189.

(14)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Kishimoto, H. (2013) Calderas and Active Volcanoes in Central to Eastern Hokkaido, Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Jpn., 58, 392i-


(16)長谷川健・花岡正光・古川竜太・重野聖之・七山 太・中川光弘・安藤寿男(2013)北海道東部,釧路地域における樽前d降下火砕堆積物の発見とその意義,地質学雑誌,119,446-456.


(18)Yokoyama, M., Fujimura, K., Ishikawa, S., Kimura, M., Hasegawa, T., Kawasaki, I., Tenya, K., Kono Y., Sakakibara, T. (2014) Possible Evolution of Antiferromagnetism in Zn-Doped Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 83, 033706 (5 Pages).




(22)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M. (2016) Large scale explosive eruptions of Akan volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan: A geological and petrological case study for establishing tephro-stratigraphy and -chronology around a caldera cluster, Quaternary International, 398, 39-51. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.07.058 .


(24)Otaka, R., Yokoyama, M., Mashiko, H., Hasegawa, T., Shimizu, Y., Ikeda, Y., Tenya, K., Nakamura, S., Ueta, D., Yoshizawa, H., Sakakibara, T. (2016) Superconductivity and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in the Heavy-Fermion Compound CeCo1-xNixIn5. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85, 094713 (8 Pages).

(25)Hasegawa, T., Matsumoto, A., Nakagawa, M. (2016) Evolution of the 120 ka caldera-forming eruption of Kutcharo volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Geologic and petrologic evidence for multiple vent systems and rapid generation of pyroclastic flow. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 321, 58-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.04.030


(27)橋本武志・長谷川健・小園誠史・萬年一剛・中道治久・隅田まり 鈴木由希・田島靖久・高木朗充・田中 良・上澤真平・山田大志(2017)IAVCEI (国際火山学地球内部化学協会)2017年大会参加報告,火山,62,189-196

(28)Hasegawa, T., Mochizuki, M., Oiwane, H. (2018) Methods of Estimating the Durations of Super Large Eruptions Based on Pyroclastic Deposits. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY-CHIGAKU ZASSHI, 127, 273-288.

(29)Hasegawa, T., Matsumoto, A., Tomiya A., Nakagawa, M. (2018) Large-scale Caldera-forming Eruption and Active Post-caldera Volcano: General Geology and Representative Outcrops of Toya Caldera and Usu Volcano, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY-CHIGAKU ZASSHI, 127, 289-301.

(30)Aka, F.T., Hasegawa, T., Nche, L.A., Asaah, A.N.E., Mimba, M.E., Teitchou, I., Ngwa, C., Miyabuchi, Y., Kobayashi, T., Kankeu, B., Yokoyama, T., Tanyileke, G., Ohba, T., Hell, J.V., Kusakabe, M. (2018) Upper Triassic mafic dykes of Lake Nyos, Cameroon (West Africa) I: K-Ar age evidence within the context of Cameroon Line magmatism, and the tectonic significance, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 141, (2018) 49-59.

(31)Matsumoto, A., Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M. (2018) Petrology of the 120 ka Caldera-Forming Eruption of Kutcharo Volcano, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Coexistence of Multiple Silicic Magmas and their Relationship with Mafic Magmas, Journal of Petrology, 59, 771–793.

(32)Hasegawa, T., Aka, F.T., Miyabuchi, Y., Nche, L.A., Kobayashi, T., Kaneko, K. Asaah, A.N.E., Boniface, K., Issa, Ohba, T., Kusakabe, M., Hell, J.V. (2019) Eruption history and petrogenesis of rocks from Nyos volcano (NW Cameroon): Evidence from lithostratigraphy and geochemistry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 378, 51-71.

(33)Asaah, A.N.E., Yokoyama, T., Aka, F.T., Iwamori, H., Kuritani, T., Usui, T., Gountie Dedzoi, M., Tamen, J., Hasegawa, T., Fozing, E.M., Wirmvem, M.J., Nche, L.A. (2020) Major/trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope systematics of lavas from lakes Barombi Mbo and Barombi Koto in the Kumba graben, Cameroon volcanic line: Constraints on petrogenesis, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 161

(34)菊地瑛彦・長谷川健(2020)栃木県北部,余笹川岩屑なだれ堆積物の層序・年代と運搬過程,地質学雑誌, 126, 293-310.

(35)Pitcher, B.W., Gualda, G.A.R., Hasegawa, T. (2021) Repetitive duality of rhyolite compositions, timescales, and storage and extraction conditions for Pleistocene caldera-forming eruptions, Hokkaido, Japan, Journal of Petrology, 62, 1-30.

(36)Nche, L.A, Hasegawa, T., Aka, F.T., Kobayashi, T., Nemeth, K., Asaah, A.N.E., Kaneda, Y., Nishihara, A., Etakah, B-T.E, Lebga, A.K., Tiabou, A.F., Ngwa, C.N., Suh, C.E. (2021) Lithostratigraphy and geochemistry of Aojiki volcano and Sumiyoshiike and Yonemaru maars, Kamo Volcanic Field (Southern Kyushu), Japan, Journal of Volcanolgy and Geothermal Research, 412, 107170.

(37)吉川昌伸・鈴木三男・佐藤雅俊・小林和貴・長谷川健・吉川純子・戸田博史(2021)ヤチカンバ花粉の識別と北海道東部の西別湿原における6500年前以降の植生史,植生史研究 , 29, 37-52.

(38)長谷川健・柴田翔平・小林哲夫・望月伸竜・中川光弘・岸本博志(2021)北海道東部,摩周火山の7.6 kaカルデラ形成噴火過程:地質学・岩石学・古地磁気学的手法による高分解能推移復元とLow aspect ratio ignimbrite(LARI)の認定,火山,66,187-210.

(39)Mochizuki, N., Fujii, S., Hasegawa, T., Yamamoto, Y., Hatakeyama, T., Yamashita, D., Okada, M., Shibuya, H. (2021) A tephra-based approach to calibrating relative geomagnetic paleointensity stacks to absolute values, EPSL, 572, 117119.

(40)Asaah, A.N.E., Yokoyama, T., Iwamori, H., Aka, F.T., Kuritani, T., Usui, T., Tamen, J., Gountié Dedzo, M., Chako-Tchamabé, B., Hasegawa, T., Nche, L.A., Ohba, T. (2021) High–μ signature in lavas of Mt. Oku: Implications for lithospheric and asthenospheric contributions to the magmatism of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (West Africa), Lithos, 400–401, 106416.

(41)Plunkett, G., Sigl, M., Schwaiger, H.F., Tomlinson, E., Toohey, M., McConnell, J.R., Pilcher, J.R., Hasegawa, T., Siebe, C. (2022) No evidence for tephra in Greenland from the historic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE: Implications for geochronology and paleoclimatology, Climate of the Past.

(42)金田泰明・長谷川健(2022)北海道南西部,濁川火山におけるカルデラ形成期~後カルデラ期の噴出物層序及び噴火推移,火山,火山, 67, 1-19

(43)Schmidt,C., Laag, C., Whitehead, M., Profe, J., Aka, F., Hasegawa, T., Kereszturi, G. (2022) The complexities of assessing volcanic hazards along the Cameroon Volcanic Line using spatial distribution of monogenetic volcanoes, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 427, 107558.

(44)柴田翔平・長谷川健(2022)北海道東部,屈斜路火山40 kaカルデラ形成噴火(Kp I)の推移:大規模水蒸気プリニー式噴火の発生機構,火山, 67, 149-169

(45)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M. Kamiyama, H., Yamamoto, A. (2022) Geological, geophysical and geochemical constraints on the time-space evolution of Akan composite caldera, Hokkaido, Japan. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.953152

(46)Hasegawa, T., Greve, A., Gravley, D.M., Kusu, C., Kaneda, Y., Shibata, S., Okada, M., Kósik, S., Mochizuki, M., Turner, G. (2023) Paleomagnetic constraint of the age and duration of the Taupō Eruption, New Zealand. Earth, Planets and Space, 75:23

(47)西野佑紀・長谷川健・伊藤久敏・菊地瑛彦・大井信三(2023)栃木県北部,塩原カルデラ噴出物の編年とマグマ変遷.地質学雑誌,129, 61-73.

(48)渡部将太・長谷川健・小畑直也・豊田 新・今山武志(2023)福島県南部,二岐山火山の噴火史とマグマ供給系.地質学雑誌,129,307-324 .

(49) Wakana, I., Kadono, Y., Urabe, J., Tamura, Y., Suzuki, Y., Yamada, H., Oyama, Y., Wada, K., Hasegawa, T., Ohara, M. (2023) Varying Ecological Successions in Lakes Subdivided by Volcanic Eruption at Akan Caldera, Japan. Hydrobiologia, 850, 1-15

(50)長谷川健・松本恵子・橋本武志・畑 真紀・岩橋くるみ・無盡真弓・村松 弾, ・大橋正俊・三反畑修・嶋野岳人・田中 良・安田裕紀(2023)IAVCEI(国際火山学地球内部化学協会)2023年大会参加報告(その1):セッションとワークショップの概況,火山, 68, 105-113.

(51)松本恵子・コンウェイ クリス・畑 真紀・伊藤久敏・岩橋くるみ・片岡香子・森田雅明・西原 歩・三反畑修・渡部将太・山﨑誠子・長谷川健(2023)IAVCEI(国際火山学地球内部化学協会)2023年大会参加報告(その2):巡 検と学会参加の感想 ,火山, 68, 115-123.

(52)Kósik, S., Hasegawa, T., Danišík, M., Németh, K., Okada, M., Friedrichs, B., Schmitt, A.K. (2023) Multi-method constraints on the age and timescale of silicic small-volume eruptions of Puketerata Volcanic Complex, Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, Earth, Planets and Space, 75: 107.

(53)長谷川健・菊池文太・柴田翔平・井村 匠・伴 雅雄・常松佳恵・山本裕二・大場 司・鈴木和馬・戸丸淳晴・楠 稚枝・岡田 誠(2023)福島県,吾妻―浄土平火山の1893年明治噴火はマグマ放出を伴っていた:燕沢火口列周辺に分布する巨大な火山弾の古地磁気年代測定による推察,火山,68. 189-196.

(54)Hasegawa, T., Kikuchi, B., Shibata, S., Yamamoto, Y., Imura, T., Ban, M., Tsunematsu, K., Kusu, C., Okada, M., Ohba, T., (2023) Paleomagnetism and paleomagnetic dating to large volcanic bombs: An example from the historical eruption of Azuma-Jododaira volcano, NE Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 75: 172.

(55)金田泰明・長谷川健・井村 匠(2023)北海道南西部,濁川火山カルデラ噴火の軽石礫に認められる高Ba異常とその成因:岩石組織および化学組成からの検討.地質学雑誌 129, 615-631.

(56)Shibata, S., Hasegawa, T. (2024) Evolution of a large-scale phreatoplinian eruption: Constraints from the 40 ka caldera-forming eruption of Kutcharo volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 452(3):108125.

(57)下司信夫・後藤芳彦・金子克哉・三浦大助・長谷川健・富島千晴・柴田翔平(2024)第8回IAVCEI陥没カルデラワークショップ研究集会報告, 火山, 69, 79-86.

(58)中川光弘・松本亜希子・宮縁育夫・長谷川健・古川竜太・上澤真平・長井雅史(2024)マグマ噴出量階段図の標準的な作成手法の提案と有珠山での作成例, 火山, 63, 101-114.

(59)Hasegawa, T., Kusu, C., Okada, M., Hiratsuka, A., Nishiki, K., Sato, Y., Koshigai, M., Matsuzaki, T., Yamamoto, Y. (2024) Application of a recently developed method of oriented drill coring to accumulative tephra layers: identification of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic reversal in Akan caldera-forming eruption deposits. Earth, Planets and Space, 76, 139.

(60)Hasegawa, T., Mochizuki, K., Shibuya, H., Nishihara, A., Kusu, C., Shibata, S., Okada, M., Nishiki, K., Sato, Y., (2024) Paleomagnetic study of the 30 ka Aira caldera-forming eruption and 60–45 ka Iwato pyroclastic flow deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 76, 161.

(61)Shibata, S., Bunga Naen, G.N.R., Kaneda, Y., Suhendro, I., Kusu, C., Hasegawa, T. (in press) Cooling timescale and process of welded facies of Youngest Toba Tuff, North Sumatra, Indonesia ., IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

(62)Kaneda, Y., Suhendro, I., Shibata, S., Bunga Naen, G.N.R., Kusu, C., Aka, F.T., Hasegawa, T. (in press) Petrogenetic relationship of pre-caldera and caldera-forming magmas from Maninjau volcano, West Sumatera, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

The Role of Hydrothermal Fracturing on Caldera Formation: New Insights from the Subsurface Structure and Eruption Deposits of Nigorikawa Caldera (Japan), submitted for Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
=> 査読中

Late Pleistocene simultaneous caldera-forming eruptions in north and south of Japan: Paleomagnetic and tephrochronological evidence from the Kutcharo Ⅱ/Ⅲ and Aso-4 Tephras, submitted for special issue of Earth, Planets and Space
=> 査読1回目終了(大修正後掲載可)

Did magmatism of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) extend to the proto-Cameroon Line in the Gulf of Guinea (West/Central Africa)?, submitted for Earth, Planets and Space
=> 査読1回目終了(大修正後掲載可)

The Mamaku geomagnetic excursion captured in a sequence of pyroclastic deposits: a potential paleomagnetic solution to an enduring problem in decoding >VEI 7 eruption timescales, submitted for special issue of Earth, Planets and Space
=> 査読1回目終了(中修正後掲載可)

Volcanic history and magma systems of Lake Monoun Polygenetic Maar, Noun Plain, Western part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Constraints from stratigraphy, chronology and geochemistry, submitted for Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
=> 査読1回目終了(中修正後掲載可)

Paleomagnetic secular variation provides the timescale for the eruptive sequence of the 45 ka Shikotsu caldera-forming eruption , will be submitted for Earth, Planets and Space

Upper Triassic mafic dykes of Lake Nyos II (comparisons with other dykes): Geochemical evidence for paleosubduction-modified mantle beneath Cameroon Line

Geochemistry of Lake Monoun Polygenetic Maar

Vertical growth of caldera-forming crust: a case study of 50 ka Maninjau ignimbrite, Sumatran Fault Zone (SFZ), Indonesia

Time gap during VEI>6 caldera-forming eruptions: constraint from paleomagnetic directions for preceding airfall and following ignimbrite

カメルーンニオス火山基盤花崗岩のU-Pb年代, will be submitted for special issue of Minerals MDPI

鳴子鬼首カルデラ噴出物のU-Pn年代, will be submitted for special issue of Minerals MDPI




(1)長谷川健・中川光弘(2010)第8章4節2項「阿寒カルデラ」.日本地質学会編『日本地方地質誌 北海道地方』,朝倉書店.

(2)宝田晋治・長谷川健・和田恵治(2010)第8章4節3項「屈斜路火山とアトサヌプリ・摩周火山」.日本地質学会編『日本地方地質誌 北海道地方』,朝倉書店.

(3)長谷川健(2012)「能取岬の地質学」.Arctic Circle, 83, 14-17.財団法人北方文化振興協会.ISSN 0917-9003.

(4)Takeshi Hasegawa (2012) Catastrophic volcanic events in the early Holocene: successive large-scale caldera-forming eruptions in Japan. Holocene: Perspectives, Environmental Dynamics and Impact Events, Nova Science Publishers.


(6)長谷川健・和田恵治・尾山洋一・占部城太郎・若菜 勇・田村由紀・山田浩之・佐藤 謙・坂本洋典・照井滋晴・本田優子(2016)フィールド活用ハンドブック「阿寒の自然と文化-阿寒の魅力再発見 自然史の最新研究を学ぶ―」,釧路市教育委員会.

(7)長谷川健(2017)第I部 第1章「阿寒火山におけるカルデラの成り立ち」,釧路叢書,The Great Nature of Akan 阿寒の大自然誌,釧路市教育委員会.

(8)廣瀬 亘・川上源太郎・長谷川健・林 圭一・渡辺真人(2018)5万分の一地質図幅および説明書「網走」,地質調査所.

(9)中川光弘・長谷川健・松本亜希子(2023)北海道東部,阿寒~屈斜路火山群の成り立ち─小型カルデラが複合した大型カルデラの形成,「富士山噴火に備える」,『科学』編集部 編,岩波書店.

(10)長谷川健(2024)「阿寒カルデラ」、「アトサヌプリ火山群」、「屈斜路カルデラ」(分担執筆),「最新」地学事典,地学団体研究会, 地学団体研究会最新地学事典編集委員会,平凡社(ISBN: 9784582115086)

(1)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M. (2002) Preliminary Geologic and Petrologic Study of the Caldera-Forming Eruption Related to Akan Caldera, East Hokkaido, Japan. 3rd Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs (JKASP). Fairbanks, July 2002.

(2)Kamiyama, H., Yamamoto, A., Hasegawa, T., Kajiwara, T., Mogi, T. (2005) Development of a cylindrical pluton: combined field and gravity evidence from the tilted Miocene Tottabetsu plutonic complex, Hokkaido, Japan. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2005.

(3)Hasegawa, T., Kamiyama, H., Nakagawa, M., Yamamoto, A. (2006) Incremental evolution of the Akan Caldera, east Hokkaido, Japan. 5th Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs (JKASP), Sapporo, June 2006.

(4)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Kamiyama, H., Yamamoto, A. (2006) Origin of Rectangular Shape of Akan Caldera, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Composite Caldera Inferred from Lithic Component Analysis, Petrology of Juvenile Materials and Bouguer Anomaly. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2006.

(5)Gravley, D.M., Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Wilson, C.J.N. (2006) Composite Calderas: The Long and Short of It. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2006.

(6)Hasegawa, T., Kamiyama, H., Nakagawa, M. and Yamamoto, A. (2007) Formation processes and structure of Akan composite caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. International Scientific Russian-Japanese Symposium, Kunashir, October 2007.

(7)Okumura, K., Hasegawa, T., Ishii, E., Nakagawa, M. (2010) Extended and Revised Quaternary Tephrochronology of Hokkaido, North Japan with Special Reference to Micro-probe Technique. INTAV International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology, Volcanism and Human Activity, Kagoshima, May 2010.

(8)Matsumoto, A., Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M. (2011) Role of Mafic magmas, for Formation, Evolution and Eruption of Large Silicic magma system: in the case of the Largest Caldera-forming eruption of Kutcharo volcano (KpIV), Hokkaido, Japan. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Melbourne, June-July 2011.

(9)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Yoshimoto, M., Ishizuka, Y., Hirose, W., Seki, S., Ponomareva, V., Alexander, R. (2011) Tephrostratigraphy and petrological study of Chikurachki and Fuss volcanoes, western Paramushir Island, northern Kurile Islands. 7th Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs (JKASP), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, August 2011.

(10)Ishizuka, Y., Nakagawa, M., Baba, A., Hasegawa, T., Kosugi, A., Uesawa, S., Matsumoto, A., Alexander, R. (2011) Along-arc variations of K-Ar ages for the submarine volcanic rocks in the Kurile Islands. 7th Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs (JKASP), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, August 2011.

(11)Ishizuka, Y., Nakagawa, M., Baba, A., Hasegawa, T., Kosugi, A., Uesawa, S., Matsumoto, A., Alexander, R. (2011) Geological structure of Kurile Islands: New insights from K-Ar ages of submarine volcanic rocks. Kuril Biocomplexity Project (KBP) Synthesis Workshop, Seattle, October-November 2011.

(12)Nakagawa, M., Baba, A., Ishizuka, Y., Hasegawa, T., Ponomareva, V., Alexander, R. (2011) Two periods of synchronized, large, explosive eruptions after the last glacial stage in Kuril- Kamchatka are inferred from wide‐spread tephra: Possible effect to climate and human history during Holocene. Kuril Biocomplexity Project (KBP) Synthesis Workshop, Seattle, October-November 2011.

(13)Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Yoshimoto, M., Ishizuka, Y., Hirose, W., Seki, S., Ponomareva, V., Alexander, R. (2011) Eruption history and temporal change of magma systems of Chikurachki and Fuss volcanoes, western Paramushir Island, northern Kurile Islands. Kuril Biocomplexity Project (KBP) Synthesis Workshop, Seattle, October-November 2011.

(14)Amma-Miyasaka, M., Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M., Matsumoto, A. (2011) Change of magmatic system of caldera−forming eruptions of Kutcharo volcano, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Crustal melting and modification by mafic magma. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2011.

(15)Hasegawa, T., Matsumura, T. (2013) Transportation and deposition processes in pyroclastic flow and co-ignimbrite ash deposits from Mashu caldera volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan, inferred from grain size distribution, IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly, Kagoshima, July 2013.

(16)Hasegawa, T., Matsumoto, A., Nakagawa, M. (2013) The 120 ka Largest Caldera-forming eruption of Kutcharo volcano (Kp IV), eastern Hokkaido, Japan (Part 1): Implications for successive pyroclastic flows from multiple vent system, IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly, Kagoshima, July 2013.

(17)Matsumoto, A., Hasegawa, T., Nakagawa, M. (2013) The 120 ka Largest Caldera-forming eruption of Kutcharo volcano (Kp IV), east Hokkaido, Japan (Part 2): Generation and Preeruptive processes of Large Silicic magma system with Multiple Silicic magmas, IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly, Kagoshima, July 2013.

(18)Fujii, S., Mochizuki, N., Hasegawa, T., Okada, M., Shibuya, H. (2013) Further absolute paleointensity determination of welded tuffs correlated with widespread tephras: Absolute calibration of a relative paleointensity stack, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2013.

(19)Yokoyama, M., Kimura, M., Fujimura, K., Hasegawa, T., Tenya, K., Kawasaki, I., Kono, Y., Sakakibara, T. (2014) Superconductivity and magnetism in heavy-fermion compound CeCo(In1-xZnx)5, SCES2014, Grenoble, France, July 2014.

(20)Nanayama, F., Shigeno, K., Hasegawa, T., Watanabe, K., Ishiwata, K., Ikeda, Y., Uchida, Y. (2014) Geomorphological Evolution of the Furenko Barrier System Due to Scismotectonics Along the Southern Kuril Subduction Zone, AOGS 2014, Sapporo, July 2014.

(21)Miyabuchi, Y., Kobayashi, T., Hasegawa, T., Kaneko, K., Aka, F.T., Ohba, T., Kusakabe, M., Tanyileke, G., Hell, J.V. (2014) Pyroclastic Sequence in and Around Lake Nyos, Northwestern Cameroon, AOGS 2014, Sapporo, July 2014.

(22)Fujii, S., Mochizuki, N., Hasegawa, T., Okada, M., Shibuya, H. (2014) Absolute paleointensity determinations of welded tuffs correlated with widespread tephras in marine sediment cores, JKASP 2014, Sapporo, September 2014.

(23)Bergal-Kuvikas, O., Nakagawa, M., Muravyev, Y., Malik, N., Ovsyannikov, A., Ishizuka, Y., Hasegawa, T., Uesawa, S. (2014) Japanese-Russian project of study Klyuchevskoy volcano (Kamchatka, Russia): First results of the geological and petrological investigations, JKASP 2014, Sapporo, September 2014.

(24)Hasegawa, T., Matsumoto, A., Nakagawa, M. (2014) Evolution of the 120 ka caldera-forming eruption from Kutcharo volcano (Kp IV), eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Geological and petrological evidence for multiple vent systems and rapid column collapse, 5th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Taupo, December 2014.

(25)Nanayama, F., Shigeno, K., Hasegawa, T. (2015) Geomorphological evolution of Hashirikotan barrier spits resulting from seismotectonics along the Southern Kuril Subduction Zone, INQUA 2015, Nagoya, July 2015.

(26)Hasegawa, T., Miyabuchi, Y., Kobayashi, T., Aka, F.T., Boniface, K., Issa, Nche, L.A., Nguemhe, C.S.F., Kaneko, K., Ohba, T., Kusakabe, M., Tanyileke, G., Hell, J.V. (2016) Eruption history of Nyos volcano, northwestern Cameroon. 9th International Conference on Volcanic Lakes, Yaounde, March 2016.

(27)Otaka, R., Yokoyama, M., Mashiko, H., Hasegawa, T., Tenya, K., Kono, Y., Shimizu, Y., Ikeda, Y., Yoshizawa, H., Sakakibara, T. (2016) Superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior in Ce(Co1-xNix)In5, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2016), Hangzhou, May 2016,.

(28)Hasegawa, T., Mochizuki, N., Oiwane, H. (2016) Duration of the caldera-forming eruptions of Kikai volcano, Japan: preliminary estimation from paleomagnetic directions and secular variation, 6th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Hokkaido, September 2016.

(29)Sekine, D., Hasegawa, T. (2016) Stratigraphy of pyroclastic deposits and debris avalanche deposit from Kamafusayama Volcano, Fukushima prefecture, Japan, 6th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Hokkaido, September 2016.

(30)Hasegawa, T., Hasegawa, H., Kobayashi, T. (2016) Eruption sequence of BC 5,600 Mashu caldera-forming eruption, 6th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Hokkaido, September 2016.

(31)Shibuya, H., Mochizuki, N., Hasegawa, T., Okada, M. (2017) Connecting marine and on-land paleoinitensity studies, 2017 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, Honolulu, May 2017 (Invited).

(32)Nanayama, F., Shigeno, K., Watanabe, K., Hasegawa, T., Uchida, Y., Ikeda, Y. (2017) Geomorphological Evolution of Hashirikotan barrier spit controlled by Seismotectonics along the Southern Kuril Subduction Zone, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, May 2017.

(33)Hasegawa, T., Hasegawa, H., Kobayashi, T. and Gravley, D.M. (2017) Emplacement of highly mobile and ‘cool’ block-rich PDCs from the Mashu caldera-forming eruption, eastern Hokkaido, Japan, IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Portland, August 2017.

(34)Sekine, D., Hasegawa, T. (2017) Eruption history and magma processes of pyroclastic deposits around Kamafusayama, southern Fukushima, Japan, IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Portland, August 2017.

(35)Suzuki, K., Yokoyama, M., Oshima, Y., Hasegawa, T., Tenya, K., Nakamura, S., Kittaka, S., Sakakibara, T., kawasaki, I., Higemoto, W., Watanabe, I., (2018) Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in heavy-fermion compound CeCo1-xNixIn5, ICM (International Conference on Magnetism) 2018, San Francisco, July 2018.

(36)Hasegawa, T., Miyabuchi, Y., Kobayashi, T., Aka, F.T., Boniface, K., Issa, Nche, L.A., Nguemhe, C.S.F., Kaneko, K., Ohba, T., Kusakabe, M., Tanyileke, G., Hell, J.V. (2018) Eruption history of Nyos volcano, Eruption history and magma systems of Nyos volcano, northwestern Cameroon. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Naples, September 2018.

(37)Nche, L.A., Hasegawa, T., Nemeth, K., Kobayashi, T., Aka, F.T. (2019) Petrographic and geochemical features of tephras from the Kamo monogenetic volcanic group, southern Kyushu, Japan. IAVCEI 5th Volcaic geology workshop, Palmerston North, Palmerstone North, February 2019.

(38)Shibata, S., Hasegawa, T. (2020) Stratigraphy and eruption styles of 40 ka Kp I eruption, Kutcharo Volcano, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020.

(39)Kaneda, Y., Hasegawa, T. (2020) Geological and petrological studies at Nigorikawa Volcano, southwestern Hokkaido. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020.

(40)Watanabe, S., Hasegawa, T., Oikawa, T., Geshi, N. (2020) Eruptive stratigraphy and magma compositions of the Tsubota stage (4.0-2.5 ka) in the southern part of the Miyakejima Volcano, Japan. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020.

(41)Hasegawa, T., Mochizuki, N., Gravley, D.M., Kusu, C., Okada, M., Geshi, N., Kosik, S., Shibata, S., Kaenda, Y. (2020) Evaluation on the Durations of Large-scale caldera-forming Eruptions Based on Paleomagnetic Method: Examples from Aira caldera, Japan and Mamaku/Ohakuri Ignimbrites, New Zealand. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020.

(42)Hasegawa, T., Greve, A., Gravley, D.M., Kusu, C., Okada, M., Kósik, S., Mochizuki, N., Kaneda, Y. (2021) Paleomagnetic Estimations of the Duration and Age of the Taupō Eruption, New Zealand, AGU Fall meeting 2021, New Orleans (+ Online), December 2021.

(43)Kósik, S., Hasegawa, T., Danisik, M., Nemeth, K., Okada, M., Schmitt, A.K., Friedrichs, B., (2022) New constraints on the age and timescale of activity of the Puketerata maar-lava dome complex, Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2022, Palmerston North, November 2022.

(44)Hasegawa, T., Aka, F.T., Watanabe, S., Nche, L.A., Asaah, A.N.E., Iwamori, H., Yokoyama, T., Sumino, H., Ichihara, M., Ohba, T. (2023) Upper Triassic mafic dykes of Lake Nyos II (comparisons with other dykes): Geochemical evidence for paleosubduction-modified mantle beneath Cameroon Line. IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly, Rotorua (+ Online), January 2023.

(45)Aka, F.T., Hasegawa, T., Watanabe, S., Asaah, A.N.E., Nche, L.A., Iwamori, H., Sumino, H., Yokoyama, T., Ichihara, M., Ohba, T. (2023) Did CAMP magmatism extend to the proto–Cameroon Volcanic Line in the Gulf of Guinea? IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly, Rotorua (+ Online), January 2023.

(46)Watanabe, S., Hasegawa, T., Oikawa, T., Geshi, N. (2023) Temporal development from crystal mush to melt-dominated reservoirs in Miyakejima volcano, Izu-Bonin arc, Japan. IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly, Rotorua (+ Online), January 2023.

(47)Shibata, S., Hasegawa, T. (2023) Generation process of large-scale phreatoplinian eruption, Kutcharo volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Inferred from stratigraphy and water content of volcanic glass, IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly, Rotorua (+ Online), January 2023.

(48)Gravley, D.M., Hasegawa, T., Mochizuki, N., Kusu, C., Okada, M. (2023) Recording the time interval between twin caldera-forming eruptions during a geomagnetic excursion: a paleomagnetic study in the Taupō Volcanic Zone. IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly, Rotorua (+ Online), January 2023.

(49)Imayama, T., Sato, A., Dripta, D., Kaneda, Y., Watanabe, S., Hasegawa, T., Minami, M., Wakasugi, Y., Wakaki, S., Keewook, Y., (2023) Magmatic response to the subduction initiation of Early Cretaceous Nidar Ophiolite complex, eastern Ladakh, NW Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna (+ Online), 23–28 April 2023

(50)Nche, L.A , Hasegawa, T., Aka, F.T., Miyabuchi, Y., Kaneda, Y., Watanabe, S., Ngwa, C.N., Ohba, T. (2023) Stratigraphic sequence and geochemical characteristics of Lake Monoun Maar deposits, Noun Plain, Western part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. 11th Workshop on Volcanic Lakes, Azores, August 2023.

(51)Gravley, D.M., Hasegawa, T., Mochizuki, N., Kusu, C., Okada, M. (2023) Closing the gap! A paleomagnetic solution to an enduring problem in decoding caldera-forming eruption timescales? 8th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy, September 2023.

(52)Imayama, T., Sato, A., Driota, D., Kaneda, Y., Watanabe, S., Hasegawa, T., Minami, M., Wakasugi, Y., Wakaki, S., and Keewook, Y (2023) Magmatic response to the subduction initiation of Early Cretaceous Nidar Ophiolite complex, eastern Ladakh, NW Himalaya EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, April 2023.

(53)Nche, L. A. Hasegawa, T., Aka, F. T., Miyabuchi, Y., Kaneda, Y., Watanabe, S., Ngwa, C. N., Ohba, T. (2023) Stratigraphic sequence and geochemical characteristics of Lake Monoun Maar deposits, Noun Plain, Western part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. IAVCEI Commission 11th Workshop on Volcanic Lakes. São Miguel, Azores, August 2023.

(54)Shibata, S., Hasegawa, T., Tanimoto, A., Mochizuki, N., Okada, M. (2023) Paleomagnetic chronology for constraining the time scales of caldera-forming eruptions: case studies from Kutcharo ignimbrite I to Ⅱ/Ⅲ and Aso-4 tephra, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. IAVCEI Commission 8th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Bolzano/Bozen, September 2023.

(55)Hasegawa, T., Shibata S., Kaneda, Y., Salazar, R., Kusu, C., Yamasaki, T., Madison, M., Wilson, C.J.N., Okada, M. Preliminary results of paleomagnetic chronology for estimating the duration of the 2.08 Ma Huckleberry Ridge Tuff from Yellowstone. IAVCEI Commission 8th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Bolzano/Bozen, September 2023.

(56)Iizawa, A., Tsuji, T., Yamamoto, Y., Kitahara, Y., Hasegawa, T. (2024) Investigation of sampling and processing methods for estimating paleomagnetic emplacement temperature from non-welded ignimbrite, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Eruptive History and Informatics, Osaka, June 2024.


